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September 30, 2010


expat princess

He looks like a winner to me! Nice photo! Looking forward to the one of him wearing glasses, playing the viola.

Mood Ring Mama

His interests truly are as varied as any kid I've ever known, which is one of the reasons he can be so charming. (BTW -Technically viola starts this coming Monday, but he gets it out every night in anticipation and practices what he knows from the video that came with his lesson book.) This morning he asked if he could join cub scouts (boy scouts?) and we said NO, we have run out of hours.

MCV was Here

I'm sure Brett was cute too but not this cute!

Blue Moon Mama

Great Photo! My brother's son LOVES to play football & he also just started music lessons (saxophone). I live several states away and haven't been able to see him play either. I think it's wonderful for kids to try a lot of different sports and hobbies. And boys need to be able to get rough once in awhile! :)

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